I received an email from Fr. Jack Kearney recently, following the ECC event. It wound up being a pretty funny conversation and I asked him if I could share it. He agreed!

The good news is… I now have special dispensation from the church and can continue on with the reviews with my “tongue-in-cheek” humor :-)…

Fr. Jack…

Comment: Hi Phil,

My only regret about the ECC was not being patient enough to wait in
line to shake your hand. I just want to thank you for your incredible
contributions to the vaping world. Your humor and passion touch (and
save!) more lives than you will ever know. None of us can thank you
enough. Please keep up the good work, and I will keep you in my
prayers. (I am, after all, a highly trained professional in the area).
No response necessary…just wanted to say thanks…and will meet you
in person for sure next year.

Fr. Jack


FATHER!!!! You were there? OMG – How did I not know that or see you!
I would have made the time for you!

Although I’m quite sure we’ll cross paths again in the future, I’d like
to THANK YOU for your very kind words. They mean the WORLD to me!

Now if you would please throw another blessing my way and perhaps some
advanced forgiveness for all of the “tongue in cheek” humor in my videos
yet to come, I would certainly appreciate it! 🙂

Fr. Jack…

Okay, Phil….if you can keep up the humor level of the outtakes from the
Legal Vape 4000 you can have a “general absolution” & “plenary indulgence”
for one year. (offer expires 10/4/2014 at midnight) For your penance you
have to make sure Innokin fixes the fire button and the micro usb port on
the MVP.

See you next year!

Fr. Jack


Wow, Father I so appreciate your sense of humor. You could probably get a lot more people to church with that!

With your permission, I’d like to post our little conversation on TYJ. I think people will get a kick out of it and appreciate it!

I will thank you again for the support. I’m truly grateful that people get information, strength, and humor from my videos!

I look forward to shaking your hand in person at some point.


Fr. Jack…

Hi Phil,

Yes, as you demonstrate so well, humor is important. People get mad at me now if I don’t tell at least one joke during my sermons. Remind me to tell you about the man who hated Italians. (ahem)

Feel free to quote me at any time, or even make fun of me on my youtube videos. You can even give me a “I told you so” on the MVP button; you were right!

With all your power and influence I hope you can convince Innokin (or anyone else) to make a commercial (i.e. affordable) VW box mod that has a micro usb connection, but also with replaceable 18650 batteries.

Dimitris blessed me with a hug instead of a handshake, so I hope you will do the same when we meet…..

Fr. Jack


You mean that Greek (expletives left out in current company) knew you were there and didn’t even tell me?

That’s going to put a serious strain on our relationship!

Ok then, a HUG it is!

Thank you Father!

Thanks for the conversation! I’ll see what I can do with Innokin. Hopefully I’ll be able to get an extension on 10/4/2014 at midnite.

I’m glad Dimitris blessed him with a hug.  Also glad I never told him the things Dimitris blessed me with.  HA!

This is a good man, with a great sense of humor, to have on our side (in more ways than one! 🙂 ).

Be sure to check out Fr. Jack’s YouTube channel HERE!

Oh, and finally, I DO need to hear the one about the man who hated Italians (ahem)!  🙂

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Author: pbusardo