From Fiona

Hi from the South Coast of the UK! I’ve been vaping for 4 months. After a
pack a day for 20 years I made the switch and never looked back. I started
with a basic Ego/CE5 kit, which was fine. For a while. I then decided to
look for bigger and better. For a beginner the vaping world is a
minefield,but luckily I stumbled upon you and your fabulousness. (Phil the
Fabulous, it has a ring to it no?) Anyway, after watching hours of your
footage and laughing til my head exploded, I became not only more
knowledgable but much better equipped. In other words, I sold a couple of
vital organs and am now the proud owner of a Provari Mini(The Holy Grail)
with a Kanger Protank. To say I’ve landed is an understatement . Yes, I
admit to a few tears of joy. And a lot of staring at it without wanting to
touch it in case it vanished into thin air. I dont think I’m alone here. I
think they just have that other wordly effect on people. However,I just
want to say… Thanks Phil, without you, I’d be tearing my hair out with
frustration and wasting a third of my life trawling the Internet going
quietly,yet steadily,insane.

Author: pbusardo