I heard from some folks that the Orbtronic was the same cell as the Panasonic. I received some information from the folks at Orbtronic to clear this up…

NCR18650PD is flat top bare cell which is not compatible (obviously) with some
e-cigs. PD-2900 Orbtronic is Button top and it has been modified. FYI as soon as
weld machine touches Panasonic cell it is not Panasonic anymore. Example: Dell or
Asus notebooks use Panasonic cells for their laptop batteries and you will not see
that battery assembly is made by Panasonic. These are industrial batteries ready to
be modified by third party manufacturers.

We clearly posted that our assembly contains NCR18650PD on our web site, so it
shouldn’t be something that is “discovered” by some other secret channels.

Beside that we do make PD-2900-P model which is protected battery assembly.

Please clear this confusion with NCR18650PD (you can see it on our web site), it is
bare Panasonic cell FLAT top. PD-2900 is button top. Nothing is hidden or
re-branded. Everything is clearly posted on our web site.

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Author: pbusardo