From Via

Hi, Phil…

Like so many other folks, I FEEL like I know you! My son introduced me to vaping 18
months ago. I started smoking in 1967; never less than a pack a day, often, during
stressful times, 2-3 packs. I started with a Blu, but at $10 each, and I was going
thru 2-4 a day…well, I just figured I would just go ahead and keep smoking… :(.
I tried a little of the set up I found at the mall…and the one I found at the
swap-meet…and the one that was ranked “Number One Vapers Choice” that popped up
when I did the Internet search…I was experiencing failure after failure…

At the end of December, some way or another, I discovered a retailer who specialized
in selling stick batts and cartos to inexperienced vapers. (No, I don’t use the
“n(oob)” word!). I smoked my LAST “last cigarette” New Year’s Eve 2011-12. At the
time, I wasn’t too sure that this “new approach” to “switching” habits was going to
be successful…but, I was going to do my very best…after 44 years spent loving
Mr. Phillip Morris, I had made up my mind to leave him. I realized that he didn’t
love me, he only loved my money!

It wasn’t too bad when I was buying a carton on base for $2.50…I remember saying
“WHAT? A DOLLAR for a pack of smokes? I’m going to quit if they go to $1.25!!!”
I’m going to quit if they go to two bucks!
I mean it this time, if they go to $5, I’m going to QUIT!!
What do you mean, a pack of cigarettes is ??5?? That’s almost $10!!! Well, ok,
just 2 packs…
Ok..on social security, I can afford ciggies or my prescription….SIGH….

I Celebrated being tobacco free at week one…month one, two and three…6 months, a

I discovered you in February, 2012…and since then, you’ve guided me, advised me,
surprised me and entertained me…and I’m SO very grateful!!! My son, who started
smoking in 1990, now vapes…so does my sister… We all have made or received
phone calls that started..”hey, did you see the _______ that Phil reviewed
yesterday?” “YES!! I ORDERED 3, one for you and one for Linda and be for me!!!”

You’ve introduced me to my first ProVari, all of my Kir Fanis tanks, my Kangers, the
Boge cartos (in spite of Boge-Gate)…..most of my juices, 90% of my Vendors and all
but one of my forums…you have helped change not just my life, but my sister’s and
my son’s….and countless others….

My Grampa used to tell me that “Your value and riches are not found in those you
love, but in those who love you..” In that case, Phil, you are a wealthy man…you
will never know ALL of the lives you have changed…how you’ve assisted others in
achieving a better quality (and quantity) of life. Of course, I had to make the
decision to change my life, I had to follow through…but your guidance helped me
make good decisions in my purchases so that I had a higher probability of success.
(and, you are pretty damned funny, too!!)

Thanks, Phil…from all if us here…and all of those who will never get around to
sending you a note (cuz they are too busy vaping!)


Author: pbusardo