Well there’s something I don’t hear very often. But if that’s the case, check out the new Sigelei Z-Max Telescope! This one came from Varitube.
Brushed stainless which I like a lot more! This one also has the beefed up top cap and eGo cone threading of the V2, and teardrops cut into the top cap as apposed to the round pips of the V1 & V2. Also some additional venting cut into the telescoping tube.
It will handle an 18650 and stacked 18350s, but also a single 18350 without the need for multiple tubes and caps because of it’s telescoping action.
Shown next to the very rare and highly sought after Dimitris Sigelelei V1 (yeah, it’s just a J-Wrapped V1, but it’s funnier calling it that).
Look for a review as soon as I can get to it!