From Bert And Rene

Had to drop you a line and Thank You for your insights and demonstrations. A friend
of my daughter turned me on to your site, and in large part you’re responsible for
my wife and I quitting our pack a day cig habit cold turkey for a week now.
We had tried BluCigs a couple of years ago, and just weren’t satisfied. Liked the
idea, but the application just didn’t hit the VTF scale high enough. We are serious
about giving up the analogs, tho, so we went right to the ProVari with the Vivi Nova
2.5 tanks…
The skies opened up, angels came down and Halelujah! I’d much rather vape than
smoke now!!
Keep up the good work, you are providing an invaluable service that is changing and
saving people’s lives.
Happy Vapor Trails to You!

Burt and Rene’

Author: pbusardo