CALL TO ACTION/PLEASE HELP! – Big Tobacco is attempting to push a Registry Bill in TN.


Notice to all our customers and the entire vape community.

Big Tobacco is attempting to push a Registry Bill in TN.


Our State has been one of the few that has provided Vapors with the freedom of choice to use the Flavor and the product you want. This has been in large part to the board and the members of the TSFA (Tennessee Smoke Free Association) fighting for your rights in the background.

If you vape or know someone who vapes PLEASE exercise your right to inform your elected officials that you want them to vote NO on SB0763 and HB0968

These bills will essentially REMOVE ALL vapor products from stores statewide without exception. Essentially shutting down our shop and every other shop in our state just like is happening in Kentucky.

We have a very short window of opportunity to squash these bills before they end up becoming law in Tennessee.

I encourage you to take 15 seconds to scan the QR code that will automatically populate an email (don’t edit the email) to the appropriate representatives to let them know you do not want BIG TOBACCO to rule the state of Tennessee limiting your options as a vapor and potentially pushing many people back to cigarettes (which is what they want).

Please Share with your friends!

If QR doesn’t work for you please CLICK HERE!

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Author: pbusardo