Hey Busardo,
I really want to impress upon you what a service you provide to the vaping
community with your reviews. I seriously appreciate your review of the Z-atty Pro.
I started watching it and knew about 10 minutes into it that I wanted to watch and
share it with my girlfriend so that if the time came to get one, she would know as
much as I did to help in the decision making. I already have two tanks, a Smoktech
and a Big Daddy so something would have to happen to one of those first. I am a
Made In U.S.A. freak so that is a major plus. I watched the “How To” guide on
Provape.com and it looked like the fiddle factor was a little much. Your review
changed that and took the anxiety out of that aspect. The deal breaker is the leak
factor. That’s exactly why I don’t take my tanks away from home. It looks and
sounds like the Z-Atty Pro is a even bigger risk. More of a risk than I’m even
willing to take at home. I don’t want to have to be that careful…I really don’t know what I would do without your reviews. Probably fuck up even
more than I do now.We really enjoyed the review about yourself in the “About Me” section. I am 45
years old and my girlfriend is 51. Looking at you and knowing you are 42 makes us
feel a whole lot better about our age.Seriously though, knowing more about you adds flavor to your videos.
Keep up the good work,