LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH: Fatal Assumption | Spurious Cost-Benefit Analysis Drives Risky Flavour Ban

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch

With Canada’s general election now over and the federal Liberals returned to power, the future for nicotine vaping in Canada appears bleak.
Without political intervention, it’s likely nothing could stop Health Canada from implementing its proposed flavour ban, which is certain to decimate the industry.
Joining us today on RegWatch is Clive Bates, tobacco control policy expert and former Director of Action on Smoking and Health (UK). He issues a blistering critique of Health Canada’s cost-benefit analysis, which the regulator is using to justify its dangerous new policy.

Why does Bates call anti-vaping efforts in Canada “absolutely reprehensible and unethical?”

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Released: Sept 21, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford

Part of our “Last Stand” coverage

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Author: pbusardo