VAPING NEWS: CORK, IRELAND [University Hospital Campus Ban]

“In line with HSE protocols, smoking or the use of electronic cigarettes will not be permitted anywhere on the Mercy campus in the future. Carol Hunter, who is the operations director of the Mercy University Hospital, is pleased with their new initiative. “We want to support both our patients and staff in their efforts to quit smoking,” she said.”

BILL TARLING — Congratulations to the incompetent Operations Manager, Carol Hunter — she just put in policy to achieve exactly the opposite of what she claimed she wanted to achieve. And notice she uses strictly smoking data to ban the use of E-liquid Vape Products[EVP] which are pretty much anti-smoking products. Please feel free to leave the [No] Mercy University Hospital Cork a comment on their Facebook page if you so wish.

ARTICLE LINK:   Cork hospital becomes a tobacco-free zone

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Author: Bill Tarling