VAPING NEWS: AUSTRALIA [Vape Prescription Required]

“Vaping is an excellent and reduced harm choice for smokers who have tried everything and cannot quit. But for it to work, it has to be readily accessible and treated as a consumer product. We need regulation to ensure safety of vaping devices and ingredients and ensure that vaping is taxed proportionately as a much safer consumer item. But where the government is now, vaping is essentially unregulated, allowing people to import their nicotine liquid from anywhere while vapers are forced to find a doctor to write their prescription, just so they can make the less harmful decision to get off cigarettes. On December 21, the TGA announced that from October 1, 2021, vapers would require a doctor’s prescription to obtain vaping devices and certain other nicotine products. We are the only Western country in the world that requires a prescription for a much less harmful alternative and allows its citizens to buy the deadly product on every corner. In recent years, countless stories have emerged of people smoking packs of cigarettes a day for decades stopping overnight by switching to vaping. It is the right public health decision to make. It is the right moral and business decision to make.”

ARTICLE LINK:   Vaping is safer than smoking but needs to be regulated

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Author: Bill Tarling