“Alaska stacks up 700 tobacco-related deaths and meets a $575 million health care cost bill every year. The bright sparks in the Anchorage Assembly have decided that the best thing they can do to combat the physical and financial toll smoking takes is to attack vaping. Anchorage city officials have decided to treat the best form of tobacco harm reduction as being exactly the same as tobacco. Vaping products will now be placed under the tobacco tax regime which means eliquids and devices will now carry a ridiculous levy of 55% on the wholesale price. Yet again, mirroring the action taken in California, the approach isn’t being conducted in an even-handed manner. While all vape products will now carry the tobacco tax rate, all vape products used for the consumption of marijuana escape the new legislation. In August, Pesko, Courtemanche, and Maclean from the National Bureau of Economic Research published a paper that concluded vape tax rises lead to vapers stopping vaping with the majority switching back to smoking.”


Anchorage Absurdity

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Author: Bill Tarling