“Mark Pawsey, MP for Rugby, Pawsey, set up the All-party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping to support ecig users and appraise the ongoing evidence being produced. Taking part in a webinar organised by leading nicotine consumer charity The New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), Pawsey called for vapers to help educate MPs and encourage them to support the APPG. Mark also expressed his enthusiastic support to change the law applying to bottles, “there’s no rational at all around bottle size”, and the strength of nicotine available. “One of the things I found out about vaping just before we set up the APPG was when I went to visit a small vaping retailer. I saw how he spent lots of time with a new customer and found out about what their tastes were, which brand of cigarettes they were using, how heavy a smoker they were, and he created a product which was most likely to help the customer move away from tobacco.” It was this experienced that showed Mark how some smokers need a higher strength of nicotine, especially during their early use of products, to enable them to make a successful switch.”