“The public was sold a false bill of goods by “grassroots” anti-vaping activists when they crusaded against e-cigarettes and e-cigarette flavors in front of city councils, state houses and the U.S. Congress throughout 2019. Were flavor bans the right approach to curb teen vaping? A new scientific survey suggests otherwise. Authors of the “Youth Perceptions of Juul in the United States,” found that a paltry 5 percent of respondents said it was the different flavors of the e-cigarettes that brought them to the product. “Flavors are an essential element of encouraging switching to vaping, and we need regulations that focus on a risk-benefit analysis rather than inadvertently perpetuating the cigarette epidemic,” said David Sweanor of the Center for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa. The real victims of the anti-flavor crusade are former smokers who use flavored e-cigarettes to stay away from combustible tobacco cigarettes along with current smokers who are looking for an effective way to quit smoking.”
The Real Victims Of The Vaping Anti-Flavor Crusade Are Former Smokers – Opinion