““Unbelievable political games” are being played in the latest Australian National Survey 2019. Figures have been massaged to demonstrate a huge growth in teen vaping – but all is not as it seems because of the way they are choosing to define full-time vaping. Konstantinos Farsalinos said that “unbelievable political games” are being played “in the latest Australian National Survey 2019 concerning e-cigs. Current users includes less than monthly users, non-smokers includes former smokers!” Commenting on Twitter, he wrote: “While there is an attempt to present e-cigs as a problem in Australia, there is one table that, strangely (or not so strangely), none reports! Australian smokers are deprived from a harm reduction option that can be life-saving, and none is held accountable for this. You also need to pay attention to the footnotes. They are very revealing of the way they created the definitions. Conventional current use definition (past 30-day use) is already useless (lots of experimenters), but for Australia is includes LESS than monthly users! Unbelievable.””