“Lawmakers are debating a proposal from the governor that would dramatically increase existing taxes on electronic cigarettes, with the goal of taxing the products so much that adult Californians can no longer afford this product. Paradoxically, this is happening at the same time they are trying to reduce marijuana taxes because the current rates are driving sales into the black market. Tax increases on e-cigarettes also can have a negative impact on people trying to quit smoking, according to a paper released in December by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). In “E-Cigarettes and Adult Smoking: Evidence from Minnesota,” researchers studied the first state to impose a tax on e-cigarettes (it extended the definition of “tobacco products” to include e-cigarettes in 2010) and found “consistent and robust evidence that the e-cig tax … increased adult smoking relative to what it would have been in the absence of this tax.””


Tax hike on vaping is the wrong priority at the wrong time

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Author: Bill Tarling