I’ve recently added Brick & Mortar to the Knowledge Base in an attempt to help people find vape shops in their area.
Another question I often get is about Vape Meets. So I’m adding another section to the Knowledge Base called Vape Meets!
If you know of or run a Vape Meet and would like to have it listed in the new section, please let me know.
I’m looking for ongoing events only as apposed to special events such as VaperCon, VapeBash, VapeFest, etc.
You will need to submit the following to pbusardo@TasteYourJuice:
Subject Line: VAPEMEETS
- Name of the Meet/Club.
- General location of the meets.
- Information on dates, if available.
- Link to the clubs website or Facebook page (required).
- Brief description.
Since this site is seen world-wide, this does not need to be limited to US meets.
Thanks everyone!