From Nicole

Hello Phil,

My name is Nicole & I’m 28 years old. I’ve been a smoker for over seven – ten years.
& Although I’ve tried nearly every conventional means of quitting. Every time I have
tried, it had always been shot down in failure. (Due to any possible reason or
another…) Leading me to eventually return to the warmth of my cigarette. And you
know when nothing else is working… Cold turkey definitely isn’t going to cut it!
Which is why you would have to imagine, I feel lucky to discover vaping. While I
realize it isn’t exactly quitting. I can at least say, my analog days are over. So,
Thank you for taking the time to invest into making such a informative website. It
has given me the opportunity to learn about things, I would otherwise not know
about. It’s because of websites like yours, newbie vapors like me, have a fighting



Author: pbusardo