“ETHRA member ANESVAP warns that the Spanish Health Minister is releasing an anti-vape position statement later today. It says that nobody who should have been consulted has been and is asking vapers to join it in voicing the opinions of vapers on social media. “We are asking you all to please show us the same solidarity that we already saw with the first event and have Twitter prepared to give all the war possible. We must publicly remind, once again both the Ministry and SEPAR, with Pfizer and its Champix, that there are 600,000 vapers in Spain, that we are living proof that vaping saves lives, that we are very pissed off and that we have a great capacity for mobilisation.” ANESVAP would like you to use social media to spread these videos “to make war on Twitter”. It specifies three hashtags to help coordinate the fightback: #AltoyClaro, #Salud, and #Vapeo. The individuals and organisations to include in posts are the Minister for Health @salvadorilla and the Ministry itself @sanidadgob.”