VAPING NEWS: CONGRESS [FDA Authority Over Vape Products]

“The White House fiscal 2021 budget plan proposed an interesting move: taking the Center for Tobacco Products, CTP, out of the FDA to create a new agency within HHS to focus on tobacco regulation. Even this modest transfer probably doesn’t stand a chance in Congress. No lawmaker will want to be seen as soft on vaping. Indeed, despite being far safer than cigarettes and intended for smokers only, e-cigarettes have a serious image problem. The devices have been unfairly blamed for deaths and lung illnesses that were actually due to contaminated THC; for allegedly “damaging” teen brains with nicotine; and for supposedly leading kids to take up smoking. Yet a new agency, call it CTP 2.0, has the potential to be a big vaping thing. With new leadership and a new vision, it could be a significant boon to smokers who are trying to quit — but if and only if Congress also changes the regulatory framework that applies to e-cigarettes.”


Trump’s Good Idea: Get Drug Regulators Out Of Vaping

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Author: Bill Tarling