“The Truth Initiative hasn’t yet blamed global warming, shrinking Mars bars or the ending to Game of Thrones on vaping – but give it time. It does say vaping has nothing to do with declining rates of teen smoking in the USA, and now it is promoting a study claiming that using an ecig could encourage teens into a lifetime of drug use. There is no evidence to say that vapers go on to smoker and take drugs, the suggestion is beyond stupid. There is evidence that vaping is a gateway out of smoking and that the Truth Initiative only cares about securing future funding. This was an example of data manipulation to produce a required result; a big lie.”

BILL TARLING – “The Truth Initiative” is often referred to as “The UnTruth Initiative” due to their extensive range of misleading and intentionally deceptive fabricated claims and anti-vaping propaganda that defies any common sense logic, and is filled with more head scratching blunders than even an old ’50 Sci-Fi low budget B-Movie could come up with


Vaping Causes Everything

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Author: Bill Tarling