I know how many of you think.

Maybe you’ll see this page or visit this site and be instantly turned off by what you see.  Maybe you didn’t like seeing someone blow a ridiculously huge cloud of vapor.  Maybe you don’t like the stereotypical image you’ve seen of vapers… the way some dress, the tattoos, ear gauges, and snapback hats.

Maybe you have no compassion for vapers OR smokers.  Both dirty habits right?  Do nothing and we’ll all just die away in time.

I bet many of you feel just like this…

I can assure you, they… we… are people too and some damn good people if you took the time to know us.  We deserve rights and freedoms same as everyone else.  We should not be discriminated against.

Vapers should perhaps be commended vs. hated.  Many of us have struggled our entire lives with cigarettes.  We did it!  We finally did what everyone has been telling us to do.  We gave them up!  We found something that actually worked for us when everything else failed.   It’s not perfect, we know that.  It’s harm REDUCTION not ELIMINATION… we know that and we make no claims otherwise.  Those who tell you it’s entirely safe are wrong.  Those wanting it to be entirely safe can try to make it that way, but they also don’t understand the concept of HARM REDUCTION… well at least here in the USA, they seem to get it over in the UK.

When everything else failed, we found something that worked, and now they’re trying to take that very same thing away from us.

If I’m going to enjoy a pleasure in life and I know that pleasure is not entirely safe for myself, as an adult I should 1) have the right to do so, 2) have the right to do so in an at least 95% safer manner.

Folks, we choose nicotine the same way so many other all over the world choose caffeine.  I bet you would have a lot more sympathy, compassion and understanding if we were fighting for a Grande Mocha Frappuccino vs. vaping products.

Maybe your local Starbucks shouldn’t be considered a coffee shop.  Perhaps it should be considered a caffeine dispensary.  I bet it would too if, in the past, people got their caffeine in a way that was harmful to themselves and those around them (IE – cigarettes).

I understand the youth vaping issue.  It IS an issue and needs to be resolved.  But bans that affect adults as well are not the answer.  Bans that will drive vapers back to being smokers are not the answer.  Bans that will prevent adult smokers from finding a product and flavor they enjoy allowing them to successfully transition to vaping are not the answer.  Bans that will cause a black market of illicit and potentially dangerous products are not the answer.  Bans that will cause sickness and death are not the answer.

Please know that vapers are your friends, family, and neighbors.  They are young and old, white and blue collar.  They are covered in tattoos and have ear gauges or have none at all.  They are mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, grandmothers and grandfathers.  They are good people.

These good people deserve your compassion, your sympathy, your understanding, and your support.  These good people do not deserve to be discriminated against. These good people deserve the ability to choose and use a product and flavor that can help them live a longer life.  These good people deserve not to die.

How will you feel when someone tries to take something you enjoy away?



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Author: pbusardo