As we know, San Francisco in their infinite wisdom has banned the sale of electronic cigarettes to the public.

Today, I read an interesting response article from BBC News titled, “E-cigarettes: How safe are they?
Although you can click the link to read the entire article, here’s a quote…

The UK government views e-cigarettes as an important tool to help smokers give up their habit – and the NHS may even consider prescribing them free to those who want to quit.

So there is no chance of sales of e-cigarettes being banned, as in San Francisco.

There, the focus is on preventing young people from taking up vaping rather than reducing the numbers of people who smoke.

A recent report from Public Health England found that quitting smoking was the main reason for people to use e-cigarettes.

It also says there is no evidence they are acting as a gateway into smoking for young people.

How is it that the UK understands and supports electronic cigarettes and their health benefits and the United States does not?
How is it we here in the United States we have to continue to fight tax after tax and ban after ban?

Could it be money?
Maybe it’s giving into special interest groups that make a lot of noise?
Perhaps it’s both and more?

I’m quite sick of hearing about keeping them from the children. WE HAVE TO SAVE THE CHILDREN!!

So are they saving the children in San Francisco or are they condemning smokers to death? Fuck’em I guess.

What if we had the cure to cancer in a bottle. Give that bottle to anyone over 18 with cancer and we save their lives. Give that bottle to anyone under 18 and it instantly kills them. So what do we do? Do we ban the bottle, or figure out a way so that only those over 18 get the bottle?

Look, no one wants to keep these products away from the youth than I do, so lets…

Enforce the laws!
Levy fines to kids, parents, supplying friends or family, and stores!
Shut those stores down!
Make arrests!
Figure out a way to shut down the supply chain to the children!!
Strategic strikes… not carpet bombing!

DO NOT ban a potentially life saving technology to adults who can make their own informed, educated, and mature decisions. Especially when it has yet to be proven that the technology has any serious harmful side effects other than maybe dry mouth and not dying of cancer.

What is going on in this country? This is absolutely ridiculous and should not be tolerated.

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Author: pbusardo