NY – Suffolk County – Stop a Flavor Ban! |
The Suffolk County Legislature is moving rapidly to adopt an all-out ban on flavored vapor products. A hearing is scheduled for: Thursday, December 13, 20182:00 PM Health Committee Rose Y. Caracappa Auditorium, William H. Rogers Legislature Building 725 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY The proposed law (Resolution No. 2128) would ban the sale of nicotine-containing e-liquid in all flavors except tobacco, mint, and menthol. There are no exceptions for specific retailers. Please make plans to attend this hearing! Even if you do not plan to speak, your presence is important as it demonstrates the large numbers of people affected by this issue. If you do plan to speak, plan to keep your remarks to ONE MINUTE or LESS. When commenting on this ordinance, be sure to include your experience with vaping and what role flavors play in keeping you smoke free. In advance of the hearing, please take this opportunity to send a message to council members urging them to oppose this ordinance. NOW is the time to make contact with your county legislators and urge them to reject this proposal! Take Action – Click HERE to send a message!