From Jason


On August 30, 2014 I officially quit smoking. This was after 24 years of about a pack and a half a day habit. Though this day is very monumental for me, it wasn’t the beginning. The beginning was when I found a “ciga-like” and decided to try that first. Then after that failed and I kept smoking I went to the Blu E-Cig. Great idea and concept, shit product. I felt somewhere inside that there had to something else to this because it seemed so promising. So a few google searches and I stumble upon The Alton Brown of the Vaping community. I was there to watch your light saber mod with your Boba’s Bounty review, I saw your Rick Roll, your interview with the ducks in your swimming pool, that ridiculous mod with the massive non-customizable cartos that had a Bluetooth speaker and many others. I bought my Ovale Ego-Twist because of you, I bought Boge Cartos because of you, I bought my Kanger tanks because of you, I bought my Aspire tanks because of you, I bought my Provari because of you. In short Phil…you cost me a lot of money J

I cannot begin to thank you enough for your video’s, your generous contests (though I’ve never won), your humor in most of your video’s and your utmost respect and love for those in the vaping community, especially those that were and are just plain smokers who had this strange bipolar disorder where we wanted to stop and yet at the same time continue what we were doing but stop killing ourselves. Through it all, I myself have been able to convince about a dozen or so people to quit smoking and switch to vaping. The reason I finally was able to put down the Red Box for good was because any time I started to feel weak and that little devil on my shoulder was telling me the gas station was just 2 minutes away and so easy…I just launched another video of you for inspiration! Once I got over the initial hump, it was not even an issue anymore. So much so that last summer I went to this far off spot on Galveston Island for some surf fishing and as I was pulling onto the beach my mod took a shit! No backup, no nothing. Everyone around did smoke though. It would have been nothing for me to bum one off of someone. Happy to say I didn’t, I actually stayed the whole day to fish, but when it was over I sped like hell to my local B&M and bought a Smok Alien 220w. That was a rough day, but I felt better about it because I could see that look on your face every time I wanted to ask someone for a smoke. I prevailed.

I tell you this for a few reasons.

1. I respect and love the hell out of you!
2. I care very much about your opinion (Like Kirk respects Spock’s opinion more than other peoples facts)
3. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for quite some time.


Author: pbusardo