A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Venom FPV Drone 50C 1800mAh 3S LiPo Pack Bench Test Results…only a 17C/28C pack, but a decent one

Bottom Line: This Venom is a decent performing pack but it is overrated.

Vaping at its 90A (50C) rating, which I am presuming is a useless “pulse” rating and not a continuous current rating, would quickly bring the pack voltage down to about 10V and quickly heat the pack up past Venom’s max temperature rating unless vaping quite slowly. This cannot even be considered a 50C (90A) pulse-rated pack unless the pulses are short and far between and you don’t mind the huge voltage sag at 90A.

CAUTION: LiPo’s use the most volatile of the Li-Ion battery chemistries and can cause extreme injury if abused. Never use a LiPo unless the cells, wraps, wiring, and connector are in perfect condition. Never exceed the CDR of the LiPo unless you understand and accept the risks involved. You are responsible for your own safety, be careful!

My Ratings:
Capacity = 1800mAh
Continuous Discharge Rating (CDR) = 30A (17C)
Average Pack IR = 16.8 mOhms
Average Cell IR = 4.2 mOhms

IR = Internal Resistance
mOhms = milliohms

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/venom-fpv-drone-50c-1800mah-3s-lipo-pack-bench-test-results-only-a-17c-28c-pack-but-a-decent-one.794273/

All my test results to date: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/

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Author: John Muchow