A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Sanyo 20700B 4000mAh 20700 Bench Test Results…a peek at the future?

Bottom Line: This Sanyo is one of the new generation of slightly larger cylindrical cells being brought to the market primarily for automotive use. It is 20mm in diameter and 70mm long, a 20700 battery. Other sizes and designations for similar cells from other manufacturers include 20650 and 21-70.

I am rating this cell at 15A 4000mAh. It runs a few degrees hotter than the HG2 (which is why the Sanyo has a lower rating) but at 10A and 20A continuous down to 3.2V the Sanyo lasts about 25% longer.

There is also a Sanyo 20700A cell which is rated at 3100mAh and about 30A. You’d have the capacity of a VTC6/30Q/HG2 plus a 30A rating for just a small increase in battery size.

Either of these Sanyo’s could be a very good choice to 3D print a custom battery sled for. City of Cloud was kind enough to send me a couple of their samples of the 20700B for this testing but no 20700A’s were available. I hope to get a couple of the 20700A’s soon.

I don’t know if any of these larger cells will eventually replace the 18650 but the Sanyo 20700B is hopefully just the first alternative cell that I’ll be testing that offers a good current rating and extra capacity over our 18650’s for just a small increase in size.

Test results, discharge graph, photos: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/threads/sanyo-20700b-4000mah-20700-bench-test-results-a-peek-at-the-future.775809/

All my test results to date: https://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/blog-entry/list-of-battery-tests.7436/




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Author: John Muchow