I always enjoy when a manufacturer looks at a negative review as a learning experience rather than an attack. Here are some responses from Arctic Dolphin following the review of the Adonis.

You’ll notice plenty of misspelled words here.  On the device, it’s no excuse, but here… let’s just say their English is far better than my Chinese.

We have improved some of the issues u mentioned in the review while others will be imoproved soon! Will keep you updated.

Regarding the mis-spelt word–Smork, we have improved already. Will send you pic.

new vaping times

Screen is little small and difficult to read.: we design the screen size based on the actual size of the device. By checking the size of Adonis, you wil found that the frame is narrow so the sreen size is as big as possile. Well, we will make much bigger screen for our new stabilized wood box mod with single 26650 battery.

Cannot read the cool atomizer resistance: we found you do not change new atomizer once you re-on the device after firing. Nomally, the device will read it as an old atomizer as you do not change the atomizer so that is why it read hot atomizer resistant not cool resistance.

Cannot turn on the device: The frame is aerospace aluminum by anodizing to realize insulation function. Black and silver color are both made by anodizing. The anodizing liquid has the insulation function. The battery negative pole conduct electricity by the frame. Once the anodizing insulating liquid inflowed into the battery cover thread then there will be problem for electro -conduction. That is the reason why u cannot turn on or turn off the device. The samples u received from us, considring that maybe we will scratch the frame during lathing the thread so we lathe the thread firstly but there will be problem that the anodizing insolation liquid will inflow into the battery cover thread. Now we finally found a good solution to settle this issue to avoid the scratch on the frame even we will make the black frame firstly then lathe the thread. There will be no100% or 50% failure rate. Moreover, once u cover the battery cover, u need to tighten the thread as far as possile.

At last, we love your review very much and you are the most respectable reviewer in vaping industry. Thanks for your time on our product reivew.

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Author: pbusardo