The issue has been resolved. I’ve gone back in time and I’m re-sending all of the emails I believe were effected.
If you receive a duplicate from me… sorry, there is no way to tell which were effected.
If you’ve send me an email and don’t receive a response by the end of the day… sorry! Please resend!
Please note that I’m having email issues with the pbusardo@tasteyourjuice.com address.
It appears I’m getting yours, but your not getting mine.
I have no idea how far this issue goes back, but I’m sure HUNDREDS of emails have been lost along with HOURS of work. Cranky Phil in full effect.
I’m working with BLUEHOST to get the issue resolved and see if there’s a way to re-send all the affected emails.
This affects OUTGOING emails ONLY so no worries on the contests.
I’m NOT ignoring you!!!