Hi Phil, I just wanted to take a minute to say thank you for all that you
do. This is only my 2nd or 3rd time browsing your website, but I’ve been a fan of
your videos since I first started vaping (which was a long 6 months ago). I’ve
always found your videos to be really well done, honest, straightforward, no
bullshit or kitschy antics, with excellent sound quality, (so far as youtube videos
go) and I’d always secretly wondered what was behind the studio control room door
that serves as the backdrop for your videos. After reading your “About Me” section,
all that was cleared up. One thing I’ve noticed in the videos by others that I’ve
seen, is that the audiophile vaping community is quite possibly the smallest
subcategory of this scene.
Most recently I watched your VaperCon wrap-up video, and I was really moved
by what you said about being in Florida and seeing the older generation
putting down cigarettes and picking up vaping. That is really what this thing
is all about, and you are so right, that too many people get caught up in the
drama and miss the big picture.
I’ll wrap this up with just a few more praises. Thank you for your review of
the Aspire tanks, the followup with the Aspire+VTR & air control ring (which
I still need to get), and I am really excited to see this new “Aspire
Nautilus”. From what I gathered from a little Alibaba searching, will be a
5ml tank. I also think that it’s really cool that you have listings of vape
shops nation-wide on your site.
Keep up the great work (and don’t let all this flattery go to your head)Jon