Hey everyone! Hope you’re all having a terrific week!

For those of you headed to VaperCon… GET THERE SAFE! I leave tomorrow after work and should be getting in pretty late! I can’t wait to meet those of you who are going and to catch up with the new friends I’ve gained during this vaping adventure!

The contests!

  • The 5000th Subscriber contest winner will be announced during the Vape Team’s live broadcast from VaperCon.
  • The Logo Contest winner will be announced when I get back.
  • The Z-Atty U Contest winner will be announced… uh… maybe tonight? I still have to pack, so it may need to wait until after I return as well.

There haven’t been too many posts here or reviews (especially device reviews) for a couple different reasons.

  1. The site is currently being migrated to a new host, this will hopefully give it the speed boost it needs, not to mention the stability I need to continue all the updates without tearing my hair out. When this happens, some posts will be lost so I’m trying to keep it at a minimum.
  2. The PWM, Vrms issue. Based on what I’ve read, seen, heard, calculated, and experienced, I fully agree that the Vrms value is the one to use for the charts moving forward. Although I hope to have an ECD Meter following VaperCon, I want to continue to show you the output signals from these devices, so meet the new scope…



Now I’m probably not going to be able to land men on Mars with it, and I may not settle on this unit, but I’ve looked closely at the Vrms it displays for a given PWM device. More importantly, I’ve set the ProVari to that value and the vape appears equivalent, so I’m happy enough with the measurements.

So that’s the deal!

As always you guys thanks for watching and browsing and I hope to see you at VaperCon!!

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Author: pbusardo