“One of the most common reasons why 18650 batteries catch fire or explode is because they’re not being transported in a safe manner. Never carry loose 18650 batteries in your pocket because the probability that the batteries will touch other metals objects such as keys, coins or other batteries is too high. A lithium-ion battery can react violently in the event of a short circuit, and a short circuit can happen if a metal object touches the battery’s positive pole – and any other metal part of the battery – simultaneously. Even a sudden discharge of static electricity – which can happen, for example, if you’re wearing synthetic pants – can be a dangerous situation if you’re carrying a lithium-ion battery in your pocket. The only safe way to transport an 18650 battery is in a hard carrier that protects the battery and prevents it from touching other metal objects.”
ARTICLE LINK: How to use, charge and transport 18650 batteries safely