“Gina Collins at the University of Exeter has approached Planet of the Vapes to enlist our help in a research project. Gina is looking for people who are about to or have recently switched from smoking tobacco products to vaping, and participants will be rewarded for their time. Gina Collins added: “While some of the health benefits of vaping compared to smoking have/are being researched, we feel that some of the wider effects of switching from smoking to vaping – such as how it might affect your sense of self and identity – are currently being overlooked. That’s why we want to talk to people at the very beginning of their vaping journey and speak to them over time to see if their views change.” The study will be conducted over a series of three online interviews to investigate motivation for quitting, motivation for vaping, and how switching from smoking to vaping might affect identity. Anyone interested in taking part can email Gina at gc376@exeter.ac.uk for more information.”