“Vaporesso received an acceptance letter for its first round of premarket tobacco product applications (PMTAs) from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Aug. 20, 2020. The acceptance letter came three days after the company submitted its PMTAs. The application received positive comments from the FDA on its preparation, according to the company’s U.S. scientific CRO agent.”

REMINDER: Just because a PMTA submission has been accepted, does not mean it has been approved. It also does not mean the product will be able to stay on the market permanently — it’s only temporary until the FDA process the PMTA and rules a final judgement of APPROVED or DECLINED [which could take mearly days or weeks after the PMTA submission deadline, or a year or more depending on how fast the FDA decides to DECLINE any red flagged submissions. i.e. The battle isn’t over yet


FDA Accepts Vaporesso’s PMTA

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Author: Bill Tarling