From Dallas

I am 43 and was a smoker for over 25 year’s. I found your channel when I started vaping and it was so helpful and entertaining that I tell anyone about it when they need help. My girlfriend now watches you too and she has gone from smoking a pack per day to almost nothing. She still struggles when she gets stressed out and let’s ++it gets the best of her. She has been dealing with some serious medical issues for the past 2 years which we haven’t been able to find any medical solution for so it has been really tough so I can’t give her to hard a time when she gives in.

My 68 year old mother who was a smoker for over 50 years (she started back when she was just a teenager) had also been cigarette free since May 5th 2020. She uses the Blu ecig in tobacco flavor. I am so proud of her and I don’t care what she uses as long as it works for her. I have tried to give her some other alternatives but they all seem to make her have that cough reflex and the Blu ecig doesn’t. She enjoys your videos too. So you sir have done a lot for my family and loved ones when it comes to quitting smoking. I just wanted to say thank you.

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Author: pbusardo