VAPING NEWS: AUSTRALIA [Nic Ban Delayed Only Temporarily]

“Four days after the initial announcement, the health minister publicly backed down. Even a cursory glance at the detail of Hunt’s second announcement, however, should give everyone pause. Four days after the initial announcement, the health minister publicly backed down. So why is everyone declaring victory suddenly? One reason appears to be they genuinely believe the Government line that we can all just get a doctor’s script now for vaping fluid. Anyone who believes that, however, has not been paying close attention over the last few years to the legal medicinal cannabis supply sector and how quickly or well that form of forcing people onto the legal alternative worked out for consumers. Just like with the proposal now for vapers, consumers wanting access were to be required to see a GP, obtain a script and then order from an approved medicinal supplier. The last thing any vaping consumer or advocate should do right now is declare victory, pack up and go home. It is an absolute necessity to continue to fight to make sure this ban is never implemented.”


Vaping ‘victory’ is far from a win, just another LNP con

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Author: Bill Tarling