“Senate Bill 1 bans people under 21 from buying or possessing tobacco, e-cigarettes or e-liquids, which is already a federal law. The bill also makes selling these products to underage customers a Class C infraction. Sellers will have to pay $400 if they violate the law, an increase from the previous $200 maximum fine. They will have to pay even greater fines if they received previous citations in the past year. The law also eliminates fines that underage customers paid for possessing the products.’
BILL TARLING — The only monitoring and ‘enforcement’ they appear to be interested doing is for retail stores — however legitimate retail shops is not where most of the kids get their products illegally. Removing any onus on the kids for breaking the law to begin with just gives that a clear signal that there are no consequences or penalties for breaking the law.
New driver safety and tobacco use laws go into effect July 1